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Wholesale Number Porting

In established markets like Australia, one key aspects in acquiring new customers is the ability to port their existing numbers. MondoTalk allows you to port any Australian DID to our network in a cost effective and efficient way.

World's Fastest

Why Port your DIDs to MondoTalk?

Over the years, MondoTalk has developed its wholesale number porting process to be efficient and cost effective. We have porting management portal that will allow you to easily process new ports and view status updates of ongoing port requests so you are never guessing what s the progress of request.

Our porting team is dedicated to make your experience as easy as possible. Hence, we will actively communicate with you regarding any wholesale porting request.

We can also provide assistance in determining the best approach in porting your client’s DIDs especially the tricky ones.


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Opportunity creates success!

In every challenge we look for closely to find all potential ways that we can do things better.

The Mondotalk difference:

Our platform is the result of years of development to meet the needs of our end users.

Working with you to grow together.

Our wholesalers choose MondoTalk because it puts them in direct communication with the people who made the product they are reselling.

Confidently selling your clients a superior product.

At Mondotalk we know that a reliable, feature rich telecommunications platform is a critical part of your clients’ success.

That’s why we built our own!

Other Features

Cloud PBX System

MondoTalk's feature rich platform delivers a premium quality telecommunications platform to your customers.

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SIP Trunk

Easily connect VOIP enabled PBX to the MondoTalk network. Save on cost and enjoy business grade voice quality.

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1300 / 1800 Numbers

We offer 13, 1300, 1800 local, mobile and international numbers. Virtual phone numbers are a great way to deliver local numbers anywhere in the world!

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